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Confirm replacement of Hemanth Medapati Gokul (82908) Medapati Gokul, Hemanth (341699K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Hemanth Medapati Gokul Medapati Gokul, Hemanth Hemanth Medapati Gokul
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-03-17 2007-03-17 2007-03-17
Club Colchester Junior
Grading Code 341699K 341699K 341699K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
KEGS A V Brentwood A white Pert, Nina P W 366126
Round 3 white Pert, Max P L 432644
Bancrofts V KEGS B black Singh, Yuvraj L 305069
Brentwood C V KEGS B black Beever Salinas, Lucas L 305091
Holy Family V KEGS B black Brunton, Joseph L 305109
Westcliffe High V KEGS A black Cheung, Leonard C L 351853
Woodbridge A V KEGS A black Solodkho, Nikolai L 374355
Round 1 black Chatti, Bhavana L 432566