Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Matthew Chatfield (83816) Chatfield, Matthew (360879H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Matthew Chatfield Chatfield, Matthew Matthew Chatfield
Sex U U U
DOB 2007-01-17 2007-01-17 2007-01-17
Club Dunottar School Reigate Dunottar School Reigate Dunottar School Reigate
Grading Code 360879H 360879H 360879H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Dunottar A V Dunottar B white Ingram, Emily W 308710
Dunottar A V Dunottar B white Naylor-Vane, Zachary W 456163
Glyn A V Dunottar A black Zeynalli, Nial D 308722
Glyn B V Dunottar A black Syed, Quetbubbin L 308734
Wilson's B V Dunottar black Venkatesh, Anuj V L 348995
Caterham B V Dunottar A black Tong, Oscar L 456139
Caterham A V Dunottar A black Marsden, Rupert L 456145