Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Harvey Li (86174) Li, Henry (306401D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Harvey Li Li, Henry Henry Li
Sex M M M
DOB 2014-06-16 2002-08-13 2002-08-13
Club St Pauls Juniors, SW13 Ireland Ireland
Grading Code 341001J 306401D 306401D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Paul's Juniors V Tiffin C white Jain, Krish W 323629
St Paul's Juniors V KCLS A white Bogerd, Ethan W 323647
Round 1 white Ding, Yiwen L 323672
St Paul's Juniors V Tiffin E white Salim, Muhammad W 349534
Harrow A V St Paul's Juniors black Asnani, Aditya L 364926
Westminster A V St Paul's Juniors black Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano L 374044
St Paul's School V St Paul's Juniors black Ding, Yiwen L 424761
St Paul's School V St Paul's Juniors black Ding, Yiwen L 431913