Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Junyan Hu (86175) Hu, Junyan (340490A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Junyan Hu Hu, Junyan Junyan Hu
Sex M M M
DOB 2016-01-15 2016-01-15 2016-01-15
Club St Pauls Juniors, SW13 Kent Juniors St Pauls Juniors, SW13
Grading Code 340490A 340490A 340490A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Paul's Juniors V Tiffin C white Smolyakov, Vanya W 323630
St Paul's Juniors V KCLS A white Mallick, Ismail L 323648
St Paul's Juniors V Tiffin E white Foo, Farrell Khoi Tza D 349535
Round 1 black Bansal, Aarav L 323670
Harrow A V St Paul's Juniors black Winward, Harry D 364927
Westminster A V St Paul's Juniors black Vyas, Alisha L 374045
St Paul's School V St Paul's Juniors black Zhan, Richard L 424762
St Paul's School V St Paul's Juniors black Zhan, Richard L 431914