Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Elon Khoo (86854) Khoo, Elon (341311B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Elon Khoo Khoo, Elon Elon Khoo
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-08-03 2010-08-03 2010-08-03
Club Abingdon School Didcot Abingdon School
Grading Code 341311B 341311B 341311B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Abingdon School A V Sir William Borlase School A white Chris Biju, Calvin W 327975
Abingdon A V MCS B white Wang, Owen D 357272
Abingdon A V SW Borlase B white Vinall, Oliver W 450253
Radley College B V Abingdon School A black Shen, Steve D 327354
Warwick School V Abingdon School A black Fellowes, Billy L 327360
MCS C V Abingdon A black Khan, Samir L 347500
MCS A V Abingdon A black Han, Yichen L 374507
Radley B V Abingdon A black Hsia, Oliver L 450271
SW Borlase A V Abingdon A black Chris Biju, Calvin L 450283