Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Dylan Kelleher (89772) Kelleher, Dylan (357164G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Dylan Kelleher Kelleher, Dylan Dylan Kelleher
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-02-05 2009-02-05 2009-02-05
Club Mill Hill School Middlesex * Mill Hill School
Grading Code 357164G 357164G 357164G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Mill Hill A V UCS D white Rech, Babiste L 355268
Mill Hill A V UCS B white Schwager, Ziggy L 355298
Mill Hill A V UCS C white Morin, Julian W 355321
Mill Hill County HS A V Mill Hill County HS B white Parmar, Jai W 447845
Dame Alice Owens V Mill Hill CHS black Chong, James L 349544
Broxbourne School V Mill Hill County HS A black Chen, Hexin L 447833
Henrietta Barnet B V Mill Hill County HS A black Iyer, Reya L 447857