Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of David Oloyede (90017) Oloyede, David (365673B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name David Oloyede Oloyede, David David Oloyede
Sex U U U
DOB 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 2007-04-06
Club Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College
Grading Code 365673B 365673B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
QE Sixth Form B V Bede Academy B white McIntosh, Caleb W 375087
QE Sixth Form A V The Grammar School at Leeds white Mupfiga, Thabiso L 377037
Boldon School V QE Sixth Form B black Finn, Olly L 351109
Boldon School V QE Sixth Form B black Finn, Olly L 351115
Boldon School V QE Sixth Form B black Finn, Olly L 351121
QE Sixth Form A V QE Sixth Form B black Armstrong, Ben L 359942
QE Sixth Form A V QE Sixth Form B black Armstrong, Ben L 359947
QE Sixth Form A V QE Sixth Form B black Armstrong, Ben L 359952
Longridge Towers A V QE Sixth Form B black Garrigosa, Jamie L 375047
Longridge Towers B V QE Sixth Form B black Byrom, Sam L 375071