Player: Tony D Wells - games

Opponent Result Date Fixture Event Organisation
Lakshya Lokwani D 2024-12-03 Imperial College London 1 v Athenaeum 1 Division 2 London Chess League
Nicholas A Ward W 2024-11-19 Battersea 1 v Athenaeum 1 Division 2 London Chess League
Gaston Franco L 2024-11-14 Hammersmith 1 v Ealing 1 Division 1 Middlesex League
Benjamin K Simpson L 2024-10-30 Athenaeum 1 v Dulwich 1 Division 2 London Chess League
Ishan VH Wiratunga L 2024-10-28 Ealing A v Maidenhead A Division One Thames Valley Chess League
Jagdeep Dhemrait D 2024-10-21 Ealing 1 v Harrow 1 Division 1 Middlesex League
Tom Huxtable D 2024-10-09 Athenaeum 1 v Albany 1 Division 2 London Chess League
Tobias Cantelo L 2024-09-23 Athenaeum v Dixon Wilson City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Nick Thynne W 2024-09-23 Athenaeum v Societe Generale City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Trevor Green W 2024-09-23 Athenaeum v LSEG City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Nikhil DSouza W 2024-09-23 Bank of England v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Alexander D Thompson W 2024-09-23 Macquarie v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Gohar Rasheed W 2024-09-16 PKF Littlejohn v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Samuel Rose W 2024-09-16 Dixon Wilson v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Necati Peken W 2024-09-16 Societe Generale v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Rasika Atapattu W 2024-09-16 LSEG v Athenaeum City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
B Peter A Andrews W 2024-09-09 Athenaeum v Bank of England City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Oliver Ormond L 2024-09-09 Athenaeum v Macquarie City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association
Gohar Rasheed W 2024-09-09 Athenaeum v PKF Littlejohn City Chess Rapid 2024-25 Div 2 City Chess Association