Wimborne D v Ringwood C

B&DCL Div 4 Wed 25th Oct 2023   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne DRingwood CAway
1 (B) 1727
Mallon, Stuart
1 - 0
Hardman, Liam
2 (W) 1655
Young, Simon
½ - ½
Melling, Hugo
3 (B) 1534
Mills, Andre F
0 - 1
Schofield, Julian
4 (W) 1300
Leonard, Ken
1 - 0
Gorsuch, Samuel
Total62162½ - 1½Total6300

Last update Simon Young Wed 25th Oct 2023 22:35. Reported by Simon Young Wed 25th Oct 2023 22:35. Verified By


syoung's picture

Second match of the season, with every board tightly contested. Board three was first to finish, although a draw looked likely, Andre made an error and Julian capitalized on the situation, resulting in Andre resigning. Stuart and Liam’s game looked even but gradually Stuart gained the upper hand, with a minor piece advantage, he managed to secure Wimborne’s first win of the evening.
Board four was next to complete. Ken was a rook versus a knight, both players had passed pawns, which Ken eventually converted leading to his win. After 30 years away from competitive chess, a nice return and thanks for standing in, as we were a player short.
Final game was Hugo and myself, I felt that I had Hugo in a corner for a significant part of the early game but he weathered the storm. The mid-game was very much his and I was up against it. Eventually we whittled each other down to a pawn and rook, a draw being agreed but another tough game.
Thanks to Ringwood for another enjoyable evening of chess.

jschofield's picture

Thank you Wimborne for hosting and yes totally agree with what you said, they were all really tight matches that could've swung either way. A huge shout out to Samuel for stepping in, he showed great determination and and some points in the game took the lead, the whole room chuckled when Ken reminded us twice that this was his first game in 31 years.

Anyway, thanks again. The room was nice and quiet and very well lit which makes for some good chess.

See you all again on the 26th Feb.