Ringwood C v Wimborne D

B&DCL Div 4 Mon 26th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood CWimborne DAway
1 (B) 1600
Melling, Hugo
1 - 0
Nielsen, Jorgen H
2 (W) 1650
Hardman, Liam
1 - 0
Mallon, Stuart
3 (B) 1650
Schofield, Julian
0 - 1
Young, Simon
4 (W) 1400
Rushworth, Tim
0 - 1
Bowley, John R
Total63002 - 2Total6761

Last update Julian M Schofield Mon 26th Feb 2024 22:23. Reported by Julian M Schofield Mon 26th Feb 2024 22:23. Verified By Simon Young Tue 27th Feb 2024 12:01


jschofield's picture

Well what a night, an intense battle in the boxing ring with Mike tyson.
Board 2 took the lead with Liam winning a convincing match followed by John on board 4 equalising the score. Then a very creative checkmate was delivered by Simon on board 3 and Hugo eventually took it to the wire and squeezed a win out of Jorgen. Overall a well deserved draw.

Thank you Wimborne for another great night!!

syoung's picture

Our team's visit to Ringwood, was, as expected a tight set of games.
Board 2 was first to finish, with Liam winning against Stuart. I don't think Stuart was quite at the races last tonight. After reviewing the game, he told me that even when he thought he was doing well, he wasn't. So well played Liam for a strong game.
Board 4, I was half watching, both John and Tim had their kings in the middle and slightly exposed. Tim's position looked very claustrophobic and John delivered a very nice check mate using his knight.
I was on board 3 playing Julian. I felt that I managed to build up a significant amount of pressure during the mid-game. After a knight sacrifice by Julian and an exchange of a number of pieces, I found myself a bishop up. It was still a tight finish, as it look like I’d blundered a rook, even I thought I had. However as Julian stated, I managed to find a mate.
The final game to finish was Board 1, Joergen playing Hugo. I watched a very tense end game, as Hugo swapped off his rook for a knight, allowing a queen promotion. Joergen battled on rook/pawns v queen/pawns, hoping for a mistake but Hugo made none and closed the game out very effectively.
A draw seemed fitting
Thank you Ringwood, have a great rest of the season as we have played both our games now.