Cavendish 3 v Greater London Chess Club 2

Division 4 Thu 7th Mar 2024   Verify
BoardHomeCavendish 3Greater London Chess Club 2Away
1 (B) 1952 (1966)
Brown, Michael St J
1 - 0(def)
Mackay-Howse, Barnaby
1809 (1819)
2 (W) 1899 (1905)
Barlow, Bertrand A
1 - 0
Gordon, James
1780 (1791)
3 (B) 1867 (1889)
Milnes, Anthony CP
0 - 1
Chantrell, Paul
1749 (1770)
4 (W) 1819 (1769)
Velasco, Ricardo
0 - 1
Packham, Tony B
1820 (1817)
5 (B) 1559 (1565)
Finn, Ben
½ - ½
Lascelles, John
1737 (1709)
6 (W) 1334 (1328)
Franco, Diego
0 - 1
Sloan, Cecil
1641 (1640)
7 (B) 1459 (1434)
Fraser, Barry DA
0 - 1
Cooper, George
1587 (1571)
8 (W) 0000 ()
0(def) - 1
Not Named
0000 ()
Average14872½ - 5½Average1516

Last update Bertie Barlow Mon 11th Mar 2024 16:13. Reported by Bertie Barlow Mon 11th Mar 2024 16:13. Verified By Mark Murrell Sat 10th Aug 2024 16:19


Result submitted by GLCC only shows results of two boards which were defaulted ( one by GLCC and one by Cavendish.) Also names of Cavendish players not shown. Final score was 5 1/2 - 2 1/2 in favour of GLCC .I will attempt to post the correct full result .

I have now submitted the result , and would make following points . I have entered boards 5 and 6 for GLCC as they were advised on the night by GLCC - the result submitted by GLCC shows them the other way round . For the two boards decided by default ( one for each team ) I have entered the winning side as " new player " which I have seen done before , as the default does not count as an appearance for a player ( that a fairly minor point in this division as it is the lowest unrestricted division.) I noted the " current " grade of our board 6 was 1334 , but I understand that it is the grade at the start of the season ( 1486) which counts for board order purposes so he was played in the correct order.

Hi Bertie, thanks for adding match result. For occasions when players decide not to show up for league matches, ‘walkover’ and ‘default’ are used. ‘New player’ is misleading, as it anticipates an unregistered player was at the board. In this match, two players, one player for either team failed to show up. Please add ‘Walkover’ to your list of players for future reference. Also, the LMS should have the names of the players added prior the match and not two days after. If this had happened, boards 5 & 6 would have been corrected at the match and verified by the team captains.

Dear Tyrone
Thanks for your message - noted . I will ask one of the league officials how to add " walkover " and " forfeit " to our list of players . I note your point about the LMS having the names of players prior to the match and will consider in future . Problem with that is I do not hold a mobile phone with internet access and often the exact player details and board order are not confirmed until a few minutes before the start of the match.
Kind regards
Bertie Barlow

Following advice by one of the league officials ( Mark Murrell ) I have amended board 1 to show both players ' names but the result a win by default for Cavendish . For board 8 , as the " no show " was advised in advance I have shown a default on the Cavendish side and " not named " on the GLCC side .
Kind regards
Bertie Barlow