Event: U1450

Setting Value
Event Name U1450
Event Type Team League
Season Name 2022-23
League table sort order Match points -> Game points difference -> Game points -> Head to head between teams ->
For fixture generation: Number of times teams play 1
League table columns For - total game points , Against - total game points against , Diff - Difference between For and Against , Points - match points 2 for a win, 1 for a draw ,
Event Order 5
Handicap No handicap
Special Rules - fixture is 1 match
Default Grade 0
Grades Below Default Count as their grade
Platform OTB Normal - Captains always see match cards
Number of boards 12
Grade Limit 1450
Primary Rating Type ECF Standard OTB September
Grade in brackets in match View ECF Standard OTB Latest
Event Rating Code LN00003545
Members Only Y
Auto Grading ECF Over the board Standard
Graded Games 24
Event Treasurer Bryan Bainbridge
Rating Results Officer Bryan Bainbridge
Rating Submission Number 78 = 6 + 72