Newcastle 'B' V Macclesfield

Division 2 Wed 18th Oct 2017 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Newcastle 'B' V Macclesfield Rating
184C (2037K) Heinlein, Reinhold H
1 - 0
Laurence, Geoff
162A (1786K)
149B (1863K) Paling, Alan M
½ - ½
Cattermole, Philip J
145A (1780K)
136A (1868A) Willow, Hambel M
½ - ½
Brough, Anthony RW
140B (1776K)
120* (1636K) Gissi, Alberto
0 - 1
Lobo, Denzil P
129B (1605K)
120* (1437A) Wright, Nicholas PA
1 - 0
Trier, Joachim
123D (1788K)
Total 709 3 - 2 699

Last update Steve Emmerton Sat 21st Oct 2017 17:18. Reported by Alberto Gissi . Verified By Geoff Laurence

First win for Newcastle B

I'm posting this result on behalf of the captains, who seem to have forgotten :) Newcastle B got its first victory despite a bad start, as the first result to be registered was a victory by Denzil, that gave Macclesfield the lead in the match. Nic, on the other hand, managed to get back on track after a mistake in the opening, but he didn't want to win too quickly, so he decided not to fork his opponent's king and rook with a pawn supported by a rook. Meanwhile Alan agreed a draw, so Nic finally decided to end his game pushing his central passed pawns and forcing Joachim to resign. With the match result still undecided, Hambel and Anthony agreed a draw, so all eyes concentrated on board 1, where Reinhold managed to get an edge in the endgame and to give Newcastle B its first 2 points of the season.

Alberto Gissi