Newcastle 'E' V Cheddleton 'G'

Division 5 Wed 1st Nov 2017 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Newcastle 'E' V Cheddleton 'G' Rating
93A (1900K) Hirst, Joe
1 - 0
Shiers, David E
116D (1683K)
100A () Shaw, Peter
½ - ½
Rose, David M
101B (1535K)
70L () Ashby, David E
0 - 1
Shelley, Paul
92C (1415K)
48B () Day, Edward P
0 - 1
Rose, Isabelle M
27F (1313K)
Total 311 1½ - 2½ 336

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 2nd Nov 2017 16:15. Reported by David Rose . Verified By Alberto Gissi

First loss for Newcastle E

The match didn't start well for Newcastle, after Edward blundered a piece in move 4 and David, one of our newest club members, lost fairly quickly on board 3. The matches on the top two boards, though, looked more hard-fought: Pete had a good position but didn't manage to convert it into a win, while Joe, another very recent addition, got a really good win on board 1.

Alberto Gissi