Kynoch A V Solihull B

Division Five Mon 31st Oct 2022 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Kynoch A V Solihull B Rating
1515 (1480) Chan, Karl L
½ - ½
Shivakumar, Akshath
1316 (1854)
1506 (1490) Norton, Aaron
½ - ½
Reece, Trevor
1320 (1333)
1487 (1411) Rake, Anthony (Tony)
0 - 1
McCool, Anthony
1360 (1650)
1349 (1391) Hackett, Bob
1 - 0
Taylor, William
0900 (804)
Total 5857 2 - 2 4896

Last update Bob Hackett Tue 1st Nov 2022 10:53. Reported by Bob Hackett Tue 1st Nov 2022 10:53. Verified By Julian Summerfield Tue 1st Nov 2022 11:55

Press / Admin Comment

The match card submitted to me by Solihull B’s captain indicated that Mr. A. McCod would play board 3. I could not find a McCod in Solihull’s team listing. I found an A McCumisky and an A McCool. I’ve selected Mr. McCool as a “best fit” and most probable player…and put the error down to some iffy handwriting. As a footnote - if Mr. McCool is indeed the correct player then his ratings suggest that he should have played board 1 and not board 3.

Bob Hackett

Hi Bob- team and board order

Hi Bob- team and board order verified- apologies for our captain on the night handwriting. Our boards 1 and 2 are registered for 5B team and played in grading order. I needed 2 reserves from our 5C pool of players for boards 3 and 4- boards 3 and 4 were played within their grading order. Regards Julian

Julian Summerfield

Team & Board Order

Thanks for the clarification Julian. Regards, Bob.

Bob Hackett