Walsall Kipping V Coleshill B

Division Five Thu 25th Jan 2024 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Walsall Kipping V Coleshill B Rating
1612 (1559) Friend, David J
1 - 0
Parnell, Phillip
1332 (1328)
1560 (1583) Colwell, Steven R
1 - 0(def)
Payne, Rob
1249 (1243)
1175 (1147) McCarthy, Alex
0 - 1
Jones, Malcolm
1235 (1261)
1454 (1441) Gavin, Peter
½ - ½
Green, Des J
1136 (1129)
Adjustment -2½ : 2½
Total 5801 0 - 4 4952

Last update BDCLRecords Sat 27th Jan 2024 01:49. Reported by Des Green Thu 25th Jan 2024 22:46. Verified By Peter Nixon Fri 26th Jan 2024 17:56

Press / Admin Comment

Board violation by Walsall Kipping, board 4 more than 100 points higher than board 3.Coleshill claim the match 4 - 0 D Green Coleshill Chess Club

Des Green

Match 556

I know there is technical violation. Alex was the stand in Captain for the night. Our board 3 was running late and that the opponent was a blind player, Alex thought it easier if he swapped positions as he would have to describe the playing conditions for the late arriving player . Error on his part done in good faith. If Coleshill want to win a game in that style, let them.

Peter Nixon

Match 556

I appreciate why Alex did what he did but the rules are there to be adhered to by all parties.

Des Green

Why was board 2 defaulted

Why was board 2 defaulted then?

Peter Nixon

I could argue, you didn't

I could argue, you didn't have a player.

Peter Nixon

Malcolm Jones should have

Malcolm Jones should have played Steve Colwell.

Peter Nixon

I could argue every single

I could argue every single one of your players from that defaulted position is playing out of order. Rules are rules.

Peter Nixon

Your claiming the game

Your claiming the game because board 3 was played out of position of board 4 while you defaulted board 2? It's a bit rich, but if that is your style go ahead.

Peter Nixon

match 556

I am not prepared to get into a slanging match with you. I advised your board 2 player at 7:15 pm that I had not heard from our board 2 player and at that point turned my phone off as my game was about to start. At the end of the game I checked my phone and had received a message at 7:30 pm to say that he had suffered a puncture on the motorway and was awaiting a repair. I have no more comments to make.

Des Green

Board Order Violation

Board order. Whilst I accept Walsall in good faith have done their best to field a full team at Short notice, The 100Pt Board order rule takes no account of why, with Breach of the rule resulting in loss of Match Sorry Alan
