Lewisham 7 V Beckenham & Bromley 8
Board | Rating | Lewisham 7 | V | Beckenham & Bromley 8 | Rating |
1 | 1734 (1734) | Kizilay, H Gokhan G |
½ - ½ | G Farahmandpour, Ehsan |
1715 (1769) |
2 | 1563 (1583) | Gutiérrez, Xabier B |
1 - 0 | B Cousins, Stephen P |
1506 (1517) |
3 | 1495 (1509) | Hamilton, David G |
0(def) - 1 | G Lynes, Hannah |
1497 (1469) |
4 | 1100 (1225) | Jayan, Shyam Nivin N |
0 - 1 | G Mills, Ian F |
1436 (1433) |
Penalty | 0 : 1 | ||||
Average | 1473 | 1½ - 1½ | 1539 |
Last update Douglas smith Fri 13th Dec 2024 12:52. Reported by Martin Stewart Thu 12th Dec 2024 00:24. Verified By Stephen Cousins Fri 13th Dec 2024 12:31
Away team Grading limit exceeded...?
Away Captain never mentioned his team exceeded the Ratings limit for the Competition.
It's a ½ game point penalty for each 30 points, or part thereof, that a team exceeds the average Ratings limit. B&B 8 exceeded the Avg Rating limit by 39 points, which equates to a full game point penalty.
Apologies for both the late replacement on Bd 4 and the default on Bd 3.
B&B 8 Team - Full point penalty for over grading
B&B 8 team exceeded Average rating limit 1500 for TOM FULLER Tournament by 39 points.
Half point penalty is applied for each 30 points above tournament average limit so full point penalty applies.
Tournament Controller has authority to apply increased penalty if same team repeatedly exceeds average rating limit.
Douglas Smith