Bank of England 2 V Morgan Stanley
City Chess Swiss 2017-18 Tue 17th Oct 2017 18:30 Winner: Draw Verify
Board | Rating | Bank of England 2 | V | Morgan Stanley | Rating |
1 | 0 | Wickens, Alex N |
0 - 1 | N Palani, Narendhranath |
0 |
2 | 0 | Ramazanov, Rishar R N |
0 - 1 | N Nepomniashchiy, Igor |
0 |
3 | 0 | Loughran, David N |
1 - 0(def) | N Default |
0 |
4 | 0 | Karadotchev, Veselin K N |
1 - 0(def) | N Default |
0 |
2 - 2 |
Last update Neil Davies Sun 27th Feb 2022 08:51. Reported by Neil Davies Sun 27th Feb 2022 08:51. Verified By Neil Davies Sun 27th Feb 2022 08:51