Wallasey B V Liverpool 3

MCA Division 2 Thu 23rd Nov 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Wallasey B V Liverpool 3 Rating
1808 (1801) Purcell, Rick
½ - ½
Novak, Barbara
1775 (1748)
1779 (1824) Barnes, David
1 - 0(def)
Korsinskij, Nikolas
1771 (1911)
1653 (1719) Taylor, Edward A
1 - 0
Leeming, Dave W
1743 (1706)
1686 (1726) Spriggs, Mark LJ
0 - 1
Ulku, Arda
0000 (1747)
1633 (1611) Jackson, Alan
0 - 1
Mellor, Peter
1695 (1729)
1477 (1464) Hargreaves, Martin
1 - 0
Bartlett, Joel
1815 (1945)
Total 10036 3½ - 2½ 8799

Last update Dave Barnes Fri 24th Nov 2023 00:07. Reported by Dave Barnes Fri 24th Nov 2023 00:07. Verified By Russell Cowell Fri 24th May 2024 14:56

Press / Admin Comment

Mr Korsinskij defaulted on Board 2 due to a road accident which affected the public transport he was using which was unfortunate On Board 6 the clock was incorrectly set with a 30 second increment instead of a 10 second increment. This was a cause of concern for Mr Leeming as the lad playing for Liverpool was only 15 and his game didn't finish until 11:15pm. I was reluctant to intervene whilst the players were still playing as it was the same for both. However, I appreciate Mr Leeming's concern as to the late hour and the fact that the young lad would not be home until after midnight. The game stopped after an illegal move (which was rectified) but the break allowed us to intervene. Mr Bartlett then resigned as he was a piece down but I think this should be reviewed by Mr. Webb Otherwise; it was an uneventful evening !!!

Dave Barnes

Wrong clock setting

It is the responsibility of the home team to set the clock correctly Dave (Barnes) can you send me a fuller report…who set the clock, was their any objection during or after the game. If so what was agreed or discussed Dave (Leeming) do you wish me to pursue this matter, ie are you lodging a formal grievance against Wallasey. If so I need your account of what happened and what you would like to see happen to remedy your complaint Tom

Tom Webb

Further response

I have spoken to David Leeming and he is content to let matters lie and the misfortune of the clock setting he regards as ‘one of those things’ I therefore consider the matter closed Tom

Tom Webb