City Chess Plate 2022-23 - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Lindner, Daniel 2196 Barclays11100%100%
Chui, Atta 2189 Morgan Stanley11100%100%
Sakellariou, Konstantinos 2225 Barclays11100%100%
Abbas, Mariam 2225 Morgan Stanley11100%100%
DSouza, Nikhil 1626 Bank of England/Bloomberg11100%100%
McDonald, Alex 2207 Bank of England/Bloomberg22100%100%
Sodeke, Boye 1948 Barclays11100%100%
Keenan, Brendan 2037 Bank of England/Bloomberg275%75%
Kupava, Gennady B 1728 Bank of England/Bloomberg1250%50%
Hall, Antony C 1960 Barclays ½150%50%
Amusa, Adegbenga 1790 Morgan Stanley010%0%
Dunford, Anthony 1255 Barclays020%0%
Nugent, Campbell 1103 Morgan Stanley010%0%
Olowe, Habib 1425 Barclays010%0%
Forsdyke, Nathan 1560 Societe Generale010%0%
Spencer, Mike Peter 1161 Societe Generale010%0%
Dixon, Yohance 1148 Societe Generale010%0%
Ludden, Patrick 1106 Societe Generale010%0%