MID Harvey Cup - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Herath, Lasitha Yasanga 2206 Medway 211100%100%
Riddoch, Alan E 2181 Maidstone 411100%100%
Radford, Danny 1727 Maidstone 422100%100%
Skerten, Alex M 1600 Rainham (Kent) 311100%100%
Norinkeviciute, Rasa 2203 Hastings & St Leonards 311100%100%
Sargent, Michael 1717 Weald of Kent 211100%100%
Thorpe, Ashley 2062 Snodland 122100%100%
Ballard, Joseph 1686 Snodland 111100%100%
Marker, Edward C 1600 Rainham (Kent) 311100%100%
Orsborne, Sarah 1778 Hastings & St Leonards 322100%100%
Beavis, Barrington 2000 Maidstone 411100%100%
Charlton, Kevin 1955 Maidstone 411100%100%
Marasinghe, Minula 1853 Rainham (Kent) 311100%100%
Cosens, Derek 1825 Hastings & St Leonards 311100%100%
Oakman, Steve 1686 Hastings & St Leonards 311100%100%
Taylor, SG 1491 Rainham (Kent) 3383.33%83.33%
Lettington, David 1923 Snodland 14580%80%
Heath, David R 1879 Maidstone 4275%75%
Sainiuc, Stefan 1747 Maidstone 4275%75%
Wise, Christopher MW 1500 Maidstone 4275%75%
Swiatkowski, Aram 1825 Medway 2570%70%
Swiatkowski, Dominik 1804 Medway 2570%70%
Cobb, William 1661 Hastings & St Leonards 32366.67%66.67%
Chapman, Andrew 1867 Weald of Kent 22366.67%66.67%
Woodhams, Mason 1701 Hastings & St Leonards 32366.67%66.67%
Springett, Robert 1805 Rainham (Kent) 3462.5%62.5%
Wheeler, James M 1948 Hastings & St Leonards 3462.5%62.5%
Foster, Paul 1562 Medway 23560%60%
Hart Dyke, James E 1866 Weald of Kent 23560%60%
Cox, Robert 1607 Weald of Kent 23560%60%
Kyte, Luke 1753 Maidstone 4350%50%
Williams, Neil 1597 Maidstone 41250%50%
Ellson, Louie 1544 Maidstone 41250%50%
Gavigan, Danny 1268 Medway 2550%50%
O'Mara, Patrick 1839 Snodland 1550%50%
Waters, Andrew C 1824 Rainham (Kent) 32450%50%
Allen, Nick 1550 Snodland 1550%50%
Randall, Tim 1555 Snodland 1 ½150%50%
Clifford, Gary R 1345 Rainham (Kent) 32450%50%
Thoomkuzhy, Matthew 1325 Snodland 11250%50%
Jeffery, Paul 1801 Medway 22450%50%
Fletcher, Martin G 1228 Hastings & St Leonards 31250%50%
Ward, Julian D 1756 Maidstone 4 ½150%50%
Hawkes, Michael 1400 Maidstone 4 ½150%50%
Smith, Douglas J 1606 Maidstone 4 ½150%50%
Brougham, Mark D 1756 Hastings & St Leonards 3 ½150%50%
Miners, Neil 1533 Snodland 11250%50%
Bryant, Marc A 1537 Hastings & St Leonards 32540%40%
Whipp, Ian 1377 Snodland 1437.5%37.5%
Cload, Adrian 1467 Hastings & St Leonards 31333.33%33.33%
Buckland, Rodney 1129 Snodland 11333.33%33.33%
Warrick, David H 1439 Weald of Kent 2530%30%
Patience, Dean 1141 Maidstone 41425%25%
Mandelli, Federico 1417 Rainham (Kent) 31425%25%
Thompson, Robert G 1470 Weald of Kent 21520%20%
Brown, Chris D 1404 Rainham (Kent) 3 ½316.67%16.67%
Broadhead, Geoffrey J 1060 Weald of Kent 2 ½316.67%16.67%
Jefferies, Tyrone R 1252 Rainham (Kent) 3 ½510%10%
Dhinsa, Nav 1021 Medway 2040%0%
Hann, Chris N 1381 Hastings & St Leonards 3010%0%
Chandler, Gregory F 937 Hastings & St Leonards 3020%0%
Lane, Robert E 1440 Maidstone 4020%0%
Jozwiak, Umberto Joe 800 Hastings & St Leonards 3010%0%
Oluwole, Isaac 916 Medway 2010%0%
Kunev, Petko 1308 Maidstone 4010%0%
Jackson, Paul 1000 Weald of Kent 2010%0%
Shallcross, Mark 940 Weald of Kent 2020%0%
Martin, Tye 1025 Maidstone 4010%0%
Gorskovs, Andrejs 1200 Maidstone 4010%0%