B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024 - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Smith, Richard 2361 Yeovil11100%100%
Wilcock, Peter 2113 Wimborne11100%100%
Bowley, John R 1803 Wimborne11100%100%
Jolly, Barry MS 2050 New Milton11100%100%
Bluffield, Alex 1750 Ringwood11100%100%
Smith, Ken 2427 Highcliffe Fischers11100%100%
Carrasco Martin, Isaac 2215 Southbourne Seagulls11100%100%
Kageler, Susan 1959 Highcliffe Fischers11100%100%
Powell, Robert 1874 Highcliffe Fischers11100%100%
Howell, Roger D 1600 Highcliffe Fischers11100%100%
Jenks, C Bruce 2442 Highcliffe Carlsens11100%100%
Westrap, Christian F 2419 Highcliffe Carlsens11100%100%
Belcher, WG 2100 Bournemouth11100%100%
Schumacher, E James 1955 Bournemouth22100%100%
Pittman, Frank J 2214 Weymouth22100%100%
Potter, Mark A 2142 Dorchester11100%100%
Gill-Martin, Simon 1751 Dorchester11100%100%
Black, Charles 1620 Dorchester11100%100%
Lee, Nicholas S 2411 Poole Position11100%100%
Doyle, Jamie 2168 Poole Position11100%100%
Stout, Nicholas B 2195 Purbeck11100%100%
Camopy, Leo 2005 Poole Position22100%100%
Manimala, Binoy 2146 Yeovil11100%100%
Norman, Angus 1800 Poole Position11100%100%
Stokes-Carter, Dennis 2281 Bournemouth11100%100%
Aris, Lindsay P 2021 Bournemouth11100%100%
Guirdham, Damon 2091 Poole The Other One11100%100%
Batson, Adam 2262 Yeovil275%75%
Alsop, Thomas A 1672 Yeovil275%75%
Orszulak, Michal 1652 Purbeck275%75%
Booth, Zander 1877 Poole Position275%75%
Appleby, Stephen 1804 Wimborne ½150%50%
Hillman, Graham 1532 Wimborne ½150%50%
Melling, Hugo 1798 Ringwood1250%50%
Jones, Tim 1600 New Milton ½150%50%
Day, Malcolm 1599 Ringwood ½150%50%
Belinger, John 1643 New Milton ½150%50%
Davenport, Robert 1643 Ringwood1250%50%
Lane, Chris D 1471 Southbourne Seagulls ½150%50%
Salinger, Ron 1461 Highcliffe Fischers ½150%50%
Weatherlake, John P 1968 Poole The Other One1250%50%
Ursell, Richard W 1885 Highcliffe Carlsens ½150%50%
O.Neill, Martin 1763 Poole The Other One1250%100%
Joyce, Tim 1755 Poole The Other One1250%50%
Sanderson, Tony 1538 Poole The Other One1250%50%
Spirling, Florence 1817 Southbourne Sharks ½150%50%
Jackson, Paul A 1619 Bournemouth1250%50%
Alderton, Andrew M 1350 Bournemouth ½150%50%
Footner, Andrew F 1990 Dorchester ½150%50%
Freeman, Jon A 2006 Weymouth ½150%50%
Young, Andrew 1803 Dorchester ½150%50%
Leeson, Chris JP 1787 Weymouth1250%50%
Pleasants, Allan J 2019 Weymouth ½150%50%
Mills, Nigel 1372 Yeovil ½150%50%
Woodger, Niall 1962 Ringwood ½150%50%
Stanciu, Ciprian 1817 Poole Position ½150%50%
Ormesher, Richard 1848 Ringwood ½150%50%
Matko, Andy 1600 Poole Position ½150%50%
Wykes, T Alan 1510 Ringwood ½150%50%
Kulkarni, Harshal 1559 Poole Position ½150%50%
Freeman, Darren 1667 Yeovil ½225%25%
Baker, Mark R 1597 Yeovil ½225%25%
Fuller, David Michael 1651 Poole The Other One ½225%25%
Meyer, Thorsten 1570 Bournemouth ½225%25%
Labouchardiere, Andre 1488 Weymouth ½225%25%
Adaway, William 1618 Wimborne010%0%
Littleton, Mark 1512 Wimborne010%0%
Leslie, Ian 1266 Yeovil010%0%
Schofield, Julian 1175 Ringwood010%0%
Mackay, Ross M 1213 New Milton010%0%
Laubscher, Synjon 1000 New Milton010%0%
Schell, Finn 1441 Southbourne Seagulls010%0%
Halse, Robert 1000 Highcliffe Fischers010%0%
Sandy, Paul 1232 Southbourne Seagulls010%0%
Dixon, Ken 1225 Southbourne Seagulls010%0%
MacAlaster, Ken 1068 Southbourne Seagulls010%0%
Duggan, Michael FG 1688 Poole The Other One010%0%
Smith, Matthew P 1439 Highcliffe Carlsens010%0%
Salinger, Neil 1282 Highcliffe Carlsens010%0%
Ursell, Dan 1217 Highcliffe Carlsens010%0%
Edwards, Mark 1485 Southbourne Sharks010%0%
Foley, Chris 1420 Southbourne Sharks010%0%
Harris, John E 1308 Southbourne Sharks010%0%
Alves, Manuela M S 997 Bournemouth010%0%
Spalding, Mark W 1050 Southbourne Sharks010%0%
Hardie, David JW 1434 Dorchester010%0%
Blake, Steve 1337 Weymouth020%0%
Ellery, Michael 1331 Weymouth010%0%
Peirson, Steve B 1695 Purbeck010%0%
Coles, John F 1543 Purbeck010%0%
Fretwell, Ellis 1292 Poole Position010%0%
Parker, Matthew 1413 Purbeck010%0%
Beling, Jeremy 1338 Purbeck010%0%
Mercer, Harry 950 Poole Position010%0%
Hayward, Arthur 1206 Weymouth010%0%
Rushworth, Tim 1085 Ringwood010%0%
Durno, Samuel 1615 Bournemouth010%0%