Hepolite (Rapidplay)

TeamUnder C Q Garde Dark Horse Ilkle B Chess Centr Basil Bingl & Keigh C Salta Fanny Bingl & Keigh A Bingl & Keigh B Bradf 170 South Bradf C Chess Centr Assas Knigh Of The Squar Table Q Garde A Salta Llama Salta Muske Shipl South Bradf A South Bradf B Under A Ilkle A The Wainw
Undercliffe C 0 - 0
Q Gardens Dark Horses
Ilkley B 0 - 0
Chess Centre Basilisks
Bingley & Keighley C 0 - 0
Saltaire Fannys 0 - 0
Bingley & Keighley A
Bingley & Keighley B
Bradford 170
South Bradford C
Chess Centre Assassins
Knights Of The Square Table 0 - 0
Q Gardens A
Saltaire Llamas
Saltaire Musketeers 0 - 0
South Bradford A 0 - 0
South Bradford B 0 - 0
Undercliffe A
Ilkley A 0 - 0
The Wainwrights 0 - 0