City Chess League 2019-20 - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Hall, Antony C 2000 Barclays11100%100%
Forster, Matthew 2200 Bank of England11100%100%
Willmoth, Robert F 2200 Barclays44100%100%
Wells, Tony D 2200 Athenaeum11100%100%
Gray, Mark S 2200 Barclays11100%100%
Kwan, Brandon 2200 Barclays11100%100%
Carlin, John D 2200 RBS11100%100%
Orgler, Philipp 2133 Barclays383.33%83.33%
Wilson, David J 2067 Bloomberg383.33%83.33%
White, Stephen C 2067 Bank of England383.33%83.33%
Page, Martin C 2000 Insurance275%75%
Kilcline, Declan A 2000 Bloomberg275%75%
Marsland, Stephen J 2000 Athenaeum275%75%
Lees, Fraser A 2000 Barclays275%75%
Rose, Peter W 1933 Insurance4666.67%66.67%
Heppell, Ian N 1933 RBS2366.67%66.67%
Zarev, Dragomir 1933 Barclays2366.67%66.67%
Shafer, Travis 1900 Bloomberg462.5%62.5%
Keenan, Brendan 1879 Bank of England3560%60%
Barlow, Bertrand A 1880 RBS3560%60%
Lindner, Daniel 1900 Barclays4757.14%57.14%
Forster, Michael C 1868 Bank of England3650%50%
Faulks, Nick W 1800 Insurance1250%50%
Millward, Kevin P 1800 Athenaeum ½150%50%
Malinovskii, Ilia 1800 Bloomberg3650%50%
Farrand, Julian T 1800 Insurance1250%50%
Ledger, Stephen C 1800 RBS1250%50%
Tidmarsh, David A 1800 RBS2450%50%
Siminic, Tudor A 1800 Bloomberg ½150%50%
Aminov, Azmiddin 1800 Barclays ½150%50%
Madden, Steve 1800 Athenaeum ½150%50%
Calvert, D Ian 1743 Insurance3742.86%42.86%
Andrews, B Peter A 1786 Bank of England641.67%41.67%
Ravi, Vikhram 1720 RBS2540%40%
Morgan, David A 1700 Athenaeum437.5%37.5%
Said, Mohammad E 1715 Barclays1333.33%33.33%
Pambira, Alberto 1685 Bank of England1333.33%33.33%
Pitkeathly, Hamish AG 1667 Athenaeum1333.33%33.33%
Mak, Brian 1667 Athenaeum1333.33%33.33%
Kent, Anthony R 1667 Insurance1333.33%33.33%
Valov, Victor 1600 Bloomberg ½225%25%
Coote, Trevor D 1600 RBS ½225%25%
Ratnieks, Ojars Vilmars 1600 Bloomberg ½225%25%
Sedgwick, David R 1560 Insurance1520%20%
Karayiannis, Costas 1533 RBS ½316.67%16.67%
Jirgensone, Inga 1400 Athenaeum010%0%
McAleenan, Charles T 1400 Athenaeum010%0%
Walton, Paul 1400 Barclays010%0%
Burgoyne, Peter A 1400 Bloomberg010%0%
Kupava, Gennady B 1400 Bloomberg020%0%
Chambers, David R 1400 RBS010%0%
Lake, Martin 1400 RBS010%0%
Enache, Mihai-Ionut 1400 Bloomberg010%0%
Potter, Daniel 1400 Athenaeum010%0%
Tree, Djuna L 1400 Athenaeum010%0%