City Chess Plate 2017-18 - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Wylie, Robert 2200 HSBC11100%100%
Kilcline, Declan A 2200 Bloomberg22100%100%
Siminic, Tudor A 2200 Bloomberg11100%100%
Heppell, Ian N 2200 RBS11100%100%
Karadotchev, Veselin K 2200 Bank of England11100%100%
Ravi, Vikhram 2200 RBS11100%100%
Burgoyne, Peter A 2200 Bloomberg11100%100%
Kupava, Gennady B 2200 Bloomberg11100%100%
Lees, Fraser A 1800 HSBC ½150%50%
Pandit, Santosh 1800 Bank of England ½150%50%
Wickens, Alex 1800 Bank of England ½150%50%
Chamberlain, Mark 1800 RBS ½150%50%
Valov, Victor 1600 Bloomberg ½225%25%
Tidmarsh, David A 1600 RBS ½225%25%
Sheikh, Nasarullah 1400 Bloomberg010%0%
Eagle, Christopher 1400 HSBC010%0%
Rees, Joseph S 1400 HSBC010%0%
Andrews, B Peter A 1400 Bank of England010%0%
Lake, Martin 1400 RBS010%0%
Parker, Graham R 1400 RBS010%0%
Bajpai, Abhi 1400 RBS010%0%