Bowring King 2007-08 - Player Stats

NamePerformanceTeamScoreGamesIncluding Defaultssort descendingExcluding Defaults
Wade, Robert G 2200 Athenaeum 211100%100%
Page, Martin C 2200 ABI/Zurich11100%100%
Hamilton, Ray P 2200 JTW/Cornhill11100%100%
Ahmad, Imran 2200 Bank of England11100%100%
Ward, Julian T 2200 JTW/Cornhill22100%100%
Rich, Mark C 2200 JTW/Cornhill22100%100%
Chesters, Tim 2200 Athenaeum 211100%100%
Rose, Michael JM 2067 Athenaeum 2383.33%83.33%
Heppell, Ian N 2000 RBS/Americans275%75%
Kent, Anthony R 2000 JTW/Cornhill275%75%
Calvert, D Ian 1933 JTW/Cornhill2366.67%66.67%
Lewis, Alex 1800 Goldman Sachs ½150%50%
Farnan, Stuart A 1800 Goldman Sachs ½150%50%
Harper, V Ray 1800 Athenaeum 21250%50%
Farrand, Julian T 1800 Ombudsmen ½150%50%
Ledger, Stephen C 1800 RBS/Americans ½150%50%
Crowdy, Stephen C 1800 RBS/Americans1250%50%
Freedman, Alan 1800 Ombudsmen ½150%50%
Tidmarsh, David A 1800 RBS/Americans1250%50%
Malcolm, David 1800 ABI/Zurich ½150%50%
Leake, Jeremy A 1800 Bank of England1250%50%
Toon, James MG 1800 Athenaeum 1 ½150%50%
Copeland, Graham P 1800 Athenaeum 1 ½150%50%
Keenan, Brendan 1800 Bank of England1250%50%
Williams, Oliver 1800 Athenaeum 21250%50%
Silverman, Michael J (deceased) 1800 Athenaeum 2 ½150%50%
Walsh, Steven JF 1600 Athenaeum 2 ½225%25%
Andrews, B Peter A 1600 Bank of England ½225%25%
Belabdelouahab, Ryad 1400 Goldman Sachs010%0%
Pesin, Nathan 1400 Goldman Sachs010%0%
Aldred, James H 1400 Ombudsmen010%0%
Bartlett, Colin 1400 Ombudsmen010%0%
Paish, Anthony GC 1400 ABI/Zurich010%0%
Cooke, Charlie 1400 JTW/Cornhill010%0%
Callan, Gary 1400 ABI/Zurich010%0%
Spreeuw, Jaap 1400 Athenaeum 1010%0%
Russ, Colin AH 1400 Athenaeum 1010%0%
Kapadia, Sujit R 1400 Bank of England010%0%
Barlow, Bertrand A 1400 RBS/Americans010%0%
Berry, Stephen H 1400 JTW/Cornhill010%0%