London Banks Team Swiss 2006-07

Click on result for match card
Home TeamResultAway TeamDateTimeStatus
HSBC 12 - 2Athenaeum 2Tue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 14 - 0EBRDTue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
RBS/Americans 12 - 2Bank of EnglandTue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Barclays3½ - ½HSBC 2Tue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Asphalia Insurance ½ - 1½Goldman SachsTue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Goldman Sachs2 - 0Athenaeum 3Tue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 30 - 2Asphalia InsuranceTue 3rd Oct 200618:30LU
Barclays ½ - 3½Athenaeum 1Tue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 24 - 0Goldman SachsTue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
RBS/Americans 11½ - 2½HSBC 1Tue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
Bank of England1½ - 1½Asphalia InsuranceTue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 30 - 2EBRDTue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
EBRD ½ - 1½HSBC 2Tue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
HSBC 21½ - ½Athenaeum 3Tue 17th Oct 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 12 - 2Athenaeum 2Tue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
HSBC 11½ - 2½BarclaysTue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
Asphalia Insurance2 - 2RBS/Americans 1Tue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
EBRD3 - 1RBS/Americans 2Tue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
Goldman Sachs1 - 1Athenaeum 3Tue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 3 ½ - 1½Bank of EnglandTue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
Bank of England1½ - ½Goldman SachsTue 7th Nov 200618:30LU
Bank of England ½ - 3½Athenaeum 1Tue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 23 - 1BarclaysTue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
Asphalia Insurance0 - 3HSBC 1Tue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
EBRD2 - 2RBS/Americans 1Tue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 31½ - ½HSBC 2Tue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
HSBC 20 - 2Goldman SachsTue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
Goldman Sachs1 - 1Athenaeum 3Tue 5th Dec 200618:30LU
Athenaeum 14 - 0HSBC 1Tue 16th Jan 200718:30LU
Goldman Sachs ½ - 3½Athenaeum 2Tue 16th Jan 200718:30LU
Barclays2½ - 1½EBRDTue 16th Jan 200718:30LU
Bank of England0 - 4RBS/Americans 1Tue 16th Jan 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 31 - 3Asphalia InsuranceTue 16th Jan 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 22 - 2Athenaeum 1Tue 6th Feb 200718:30LU
RBS/Americans 13 - 1BarclaysTue 6th Feb 200718:30LU
EBRD2½ - 1½HSBC 1Tue 6th Feb 200718:30LU
Goldman Sachs3½ - ½Asphalia InsuranceTue 6th Feb 200718:30LU
Bank of England1 - 3Athenaeum 3Tue 6th Feb 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 12½ - 1½RBS/Americans 1Tue 20th Feb 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 22½ - 1½EBRDTue 20th Feb 200718:30LU
Goldman Sachs2½ - 1½BarclaysTue 20th Feb 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 32½ - 1½HSBC 1Tue 20th Feb 200718:30LU
Asphalia Insurance1 - 3Bank of EnglandTue 20th Feb 200718:30LU
Goldman Sachs0 - 4Athenaeum 1Tue 6th Mar 200718:30LU
RBS/Americans 11½ - 2½Athenaeum 2Tue 6th Mar 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 3 ½ - 3½EBRDTue 6th Mar 200718:30LU
Barclays2 - 2Bank of EnglandTue 6th Mar 200718:30LU
HSBC 12 - 2Asphalia InsuranceTue 6th Mar 200718:30LU
RBS/Americans 12 - 2Athenaeum 1Tue 20th Mar 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 22½ - 1½BarclaysTue 20th Mar 200718:30LU
EBRD2½ - 1½Goldman SachsTue 20th Mar 200718:30LU
HSBC 12½ - 1½Bank of EnglandTue 20th Mar 200718:30LU
Asphalia Insurance1½ - 2½Athenaeum 3Tue 20th Mar 200718:30LU
Athenaeum 12 - 2Athenaeum 2Tue 10th Apr 200718:30LU
EBRD1½ - 2½RBS/Americans 1Tue 10th Apr 200718:30LU
HSBC 13 - 1Goldman SachsTue 10th Apr 200718:30LU
Barclays1½ - 2½Athenaeum 3Tue 10th Apr 200718:30LU
Bank of England2 - 2Asphalia InsuranceTue 10th Apr 200718:30LU