Culcheth A v Northwich A

WDCL Division 1 Wed 23rd Nov 2022   Verify
BoardHomeCulcheth ANorthwich AAway
1 (B) 2058 (2002)
Smith, Jonathan M
½ - ½
Harrison, James
1940 (1985)
2 (W) 1972 (1870)
Furness, Robert M
1 - 0
Betts, Richard
1858 (1811)
3 (B) 1956 (1933)
Dubov, Ilya
1 - 0
Major, Richard
1840 (1877)
4 (W) 1805 (1823)
Coe, Andy Laurence
1 - 0
Harrison, Stephen
1541 (1496)
5 (B) 1550 (1603)
Slater, Bryan
0 - 1
Thomas, Paul Christopher
1746 (1607)
Total93413½ - 1½Total8925

Last update Richard Betts Thu 24th Nov 2022 15:53. Reported by Richard Betts Thu 24th Nov 2022 15:53. Verified By


dmccarthy's picture

Just a query on Northwich's board order, board 5 seems to be being graded 203 points higher then board 4, this seems a bit excessive at first glance? Is there an exceptional reason for this? cheers Damian

rbetts's picture

Hi Damian. Paul Thomas hasn't played for us for years as he had moved abroad. He has recently returned and started playing again. Before he went he was certainly ranked below Steve Harrison. My recollection is that he was graded about 90 ecf (or 1375 in today's terms), but I can't find him on ecf. The grade you're referring to is his "live" rating over about 5 games. If he keeps it up we will certainly have to "promote" him.

Thanks for pointing this out.

rbetts's picture

Boards 1-3 were all tight matches that could have gone either way.