Medway 4 v Medway 5

MID Intro Cup Wed 12th Oct 2022   Verify
BoardHomeMedway 4Medway 5Away
1 (W) 1293 (1266)
Gavigan, Danny
½ - ½
Oluwole, Isaac
1389 (1312)
2 (B) 1241 (1247)
Hickey, Paschal
0 - 1
Chaudry, Tariq
1300 (1446)
3 (W) 1000 (1883)
Swiatkowski, Dominik
1 - 0
Evans, Alan V
1071 (1045)
4 (B) 1000 (1125)
Oluwabunmi, Tireni
1 - 0
Hanman, John
1000 (807)
Average11342½ - 1½Average1190

Last update Tyrone Jefferies Sun 16th Oct 2022 11:19. Reported by J F Hickey Thu 13th Oct 2022 14:30. Verified By isaac oluwole Fri 14th Oct 2022 09:07


Ihave entered last nights result BUT i made my team (Medway 5) the home team. The result is correct and i will reverse the ( home V away) the other way around on 26th of Oct. Thank you.

Paschal. Both Medway teams are always both playing simultaneously at same venue so it really does not matter which team is team 4 or team 5. You just have to keep same team numbers going forward. I did a separate coin toss at first Maidstone match to decide which team was Team 7 and which was Team 8. It did not matter which was which. Hope this is clear. Douglas

Well played Guys