Maidstone 7 v Weald of Kent 4

MID Intro Cup Wed 1st Feb 2023   Verify
BoardHomeMaidstone 7Weald of Kent 4Away
1 (B) 1365 (1398)
Squiers, Julian
1 - 0
Cox, Robert
1347 (1452)
2 (W) 1196 (1224)
Wise, Christopher MW
1 - 0
Wilson, Joanne
1183 (1128)
3 (B) 1000 (1281)
Woolerton, Dylan
1 - 0
Shallcross, Mark
1100 (961)
4 (W) 1000 (1029)
Hobson, Laurence
0 - 1
Jackson, Paul
1000 (1292)
Average11413 - 1Average1158

Last update Tyrone Jefferies Sun 5th Feb 2023 20:11. Reported by Douglas smith Fri 3rd Feb 2023 21:31. Verified By Mark Shallcross Sun 5th Feb 2023 19:24


WOK player MARK SHALLCROSS has incorrect details shown on LMS.
ECF Code for Mark Shallcross should be 343684G
ECF Membership Number for Mark Shallcross should be ME029739
I am awaiting for these details to be corrected before updating result

WOK player MARK SHALLCROSS has incorrect details shown on LMS.
ECF Code for Mark Shallcross should be 343684G
ECF Membership Number for Mark Shallcross should be ME029739
I am awaiting for these details to be corrected before updating result

Mark Shallcross details on LMS have been updated by LMS Controller Steve Emmerton