Culcheth B v Atherton A

WDCL Division 1 Wed 29th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeCulcheth BAtherton AAway
1 (B) 2019 (1996)
McCarthy, Damian
0 - 1
Norris, Ethan
2254 (2213)
2 (W) 1909 (1870)
Furness, Robert M
1 - 0
Mulleady, Peter J
1957 (1968)
3 (B) 1926 (1933)
Dubov, Ilya
1 - 0
Tyton, Adam
1935 (1897)
4 (W) 1908 (1908)
Maudsley, Keith
½ - ½
Lythgoe, Martin
1871 (1884)
5 (B) 1806 (1823)
Coe, Andy Laurence
0 - 1
Doherty , Paul
1761 (1733)
Total95682½ - 2½Total9778

Last update Robert Furness Thu 30th Nov 2023 17:12. Reported by Robert Furness Thu 30th Nov 2023 17:12. Verified By Martin Lythgoe Thu 30th Nov 2023 19:43


Call me old school but the venue supplied by Culcheth last night was totally unsuitable for a game of chess.
I am sensitive to noise so I was battling not only a good opponent but also the noise.
Apparently there is to be new management at the venue so last night they had a leaving do on and we were treated to the non stop boom boom of the jukebox in the bar immediately below.
With hindsight we should have stopped the clocks but instead we stuck it out like gentleman.
Thank you Culcheth for a truly forgettable night.

I feel compelled to chip in here. I won my game, so nobody can accuse me of being a sore loser, but I thought the noise in that venue was absolutely horrendous and it made the game more like torture.

rfurness's picture

Apologies to the players from both teams for the conditions last night, the noise from downstairs coming up to our venue was unprecedented. Hindsight tends to be 20/20 but if anything can be learnt from this i believe it’s that individuals must raise it with the captains at the time - “Captains are encouraged to act as arbiters and to use reasonable endeavours to seek agreement where possible on any matter arising during the course of play”. Concentrating, as i was, at my own board i wasn't aware of the difficulties of others until after individual games finished.

You are correct in stating that it should be raised by individuals and as such Atherton cannot contest the result.
The fact remains however that Culcheth allowed the game to carry on in horrendous playing conditions that deteriorated as the night progressed.
This you cannot dispute.