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Radcliffe & Bingham 4 v Gambit 7

Division 5 Tue 9th Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeRadcliffe & Bingham 4Gambit 7Away
1 (B) 1563 (1534)
Erentz, Philip
0 - 1
Wileman, Paul
1450 (1639)
2 (W) 1227 (1229)
Blampied, Dorothy M
0 - 1
Watson, Ronald
1399 (1454)
3 (B) 1000 (1280)
Bott, Tom
0 - 1
Young, Alastair
1359 (1359)
4 (W) 1200 (1414)
Lee, Joshua
1 - 0
Heath, Kenneth B
1169 (1138)
Adjustment0 - 1
Penalty1 - 0
Total49900 - 4Total5377

Last update Simon Scott Wed 10th Apr 2024 20:48. Reported by Drag Sudar Tue 9th Apr 2024 22:42. Verified By Alan Johnson Tue 9th Apr 2024 23:17


RB board 4 - Rule C6: A player may not be rated more than 150 points above anyone on a higher board, except where a lower rated eligible substitute is used after the agreed start of the match. The penalty for playing an ineligible player... is the transfer of any game points scored by the offending player plus 0.5 game points from the offending team to their opponents, provided that the total game score shall not become negative.