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Ringwood A v Wimborne A

B&DCL Div 1 Mon 26th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood AWimborne AAway
1 (B) 1878
Willetts, Graham J
0 - 1
Pleasants, Allan J
2 (W) 1844
Woodger, Niall
0 - 1
Littleton, Mark
3 (B) 1812
Ormesher, Richard
0 - 1
Adaway, William
4 (W) 1600
Willis-Owen, Ben
½ - ½
Clark, Ian C
Total7134 ½ - 3½Total8125

Last update Martin Joseph Clancy Tue 27th Feb 2024 00:00. Reported by Martin Joseph Clancy Tue 27th Feb 2024 00:00. Verified By Ian Clark Tue 27th Feb 2024 08:51


A convincing win for Wimborne, but the Ringwood players made it difficult despite being heavily out-graded on all boards (or out-rated in new money :-).

Richard blobbed a piece and resigned, whilst Niall, got to a rook ending before making a missed step. That left two games in play and a 0-2 score line. On board 4, Ben was the star of the night for Ringwood and looked pretty comfortable against Ian despite it being his first game in division one. He turned a draw offer down before failing to find the correct plan in the double rook ending. After the game was drawn, Ian showed Ben a line he was concerned about that looked very difficult to hold. On board one , they were both down to a few minutes each in a very blocked position. However, Allan who had been pressing eventually managed a break-through and the game was decided.

Thanks to Wimborne for a good night of chess.

Thanks to Ringwood to a very competitive match where all games were going well after 2 hours.
Mark always seemed to have an advantage and eventually found the winning line. Bill also had pressure and time pressure and the position eventually told with a piece dropping off.
I had an intersting game with young Ben and seemed to be pretty even until missed a good rook move and then was under pressure in double rook ending but was let off the hook and draw was agreed.
Alan against Graham was a very stodgy game with all material on the board after 2.5 hours. Alan found the only chance of a break and Graham who had fought valiantly secombed.