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Highcliffe B v Bournemouth A

B&DCL Div 2 Mon 15th Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe BBournemouth AAway
1 (B) 1839
Smith, Ken
1 - 0
Durno, Samuel
2 (W) 1839
Ursell, Richard W
0 - 1
Stokes-Carter, Dennis
3 (B) 1800
Halse, Robert
1 - 0
Schumacher, E James
4 (W) 1747
Trach, Thomas
½ - ½
Bolton, Stephen
Total72252½ - 1½Total7325

Last update Richard Ursell Mon 15th Apr 2024 23:26. Reported by Richard Ursell Mon 15th Apr 2024 23:26. Verified By Dennis Stokes-Carter Tue 16th Apr 2024 06:26


As promised here is a blow by blow summary of events. 7.30 arrived two teams arrived both looking forward to what could be a title decider. Small problem… Bournemouth only had three players ! After a frantic phone call the problem was identified. James Schumacher had forgotten about the game. Dennis gave us the option of a defaulted victory or James would be with us in 35 minutes. It was a no brainer , Rob said play!! With a name like Schumacher it was no surprise he made it in 30 minutes. The teams seemed evenly matched. On board 2 Dennis outsmarted me and I lost a knight for two pawns ,Dennis finished me off with clinical accuracy. On board 4 Tom and Steve played out a lively draw. Board 3 saw the in form Rob Halse smash through on the kingside with a devastating attack to square the match. So 1.5-1.5 all down to board 1 . Sam and Ken played a thrilling game game where all options were available. After the match Ken informed me he didn’t mean to lose his queen. However he did with a rook and knight for compensation. Both kings were open and Ken had pawn on the 7th rank which ultimately proved decisive. So victory for Highcliffe, no room for complacency though, Southbourne B stand between us and the title. Thank you to Bournemouth great sports as always you have an excellent club and deserve success. Best to all RU