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Poole C v Southbourne C

B&DCL Div 3 Mon 8th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomePoole CSouthbourne CAway
1 (B) 1737
Fretwell, Ellis
1 - 0
Litchfield, Michael J
2 (W) 1727
Matko, Andy
½ - ½
Austin, Peter
3 (B) 1680
Fox, Simon
0 - 1
Harris, John E
4 (W) 1699
Camopy, Leo
1 - 0
Foley, Chris
Total68432½ - 1½Total6251

Last update Martin J Simons Tue 9th Jan 2024 13:41. Reported by Martin J Simons Tue 9th Jan 2024 13:41. Verified By Andrew Matko Tue 9th Jan 2024 19:50


An exciting match. Even though Southbourne C were heavily outrated, after about an hour's play, Southbourne were better, perhaps even winning on all boards. Indeed, the first result in was a well played win for John Harris on board 3. However, never underestimate the tenacity and resourcefulness of the Poole C team. First to strike back was Ellis Fretwell on top board who looked busted whilst queens were on the board as his king was stuck in the centre. However, he managed to exchange off the queens and the endgame was surprisingly good for him which he seemed to convert with relative ease. Leo Camopy then fought back well on board 4 from a piece for a pawn down to firstly win the exchange then expertly win a R + 2P v 2 minor piece endgame. With the score at 2 -1, Peter Austin looked as though he would level the match for Southbourne C but having missed the winning plan, Andy Matko then held on to draw the game and win the match for Poole C on board 2.

With thanks to the Poole team for the friendly spirit the match was played in.

In a nutshell ... Poole were very lucky! I was certainly outplayed the whole game. Thanks to Southbourne for an exciting encounter all the way through.