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Southbourne C v Highcliffe C

B&DCL Div 3 Fri 15th Mar 2024   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne CHighcliffe CAway
1 (B) 1600
Austin, Peter
0 - 1
Smith, Matthew P
2 (W) 1662
Cuthbert, Larissa
1 - 0
Manson, Andrew
3 (B) 1578
Harris, John E
0 - 1
Powell, Robert
4 (W) 1400
Foley, Chris
0 - 1
Kageler, Susan
Total62401 - 3Total6619

Last update Martin J Simons Fri 15th Mar 2024 23:23. Reported by Martin J Simons Fri 15th Mar 2024 23:23. Verified By


amanson's picture

Board 2 was first to finish, I had strong attack but burned up too much time, Larissa fought back well in a very aggressive game, I ended up playing on increments and Larissa won on time in a stronger position. Matt pulled one back for Highcliffe to level with a clever kingside attack. Robert played a great combination of rooks and knight with both players low on time to win a piece and ease Highcliffe 2-1 up. The final game between Susan and Chris was last to finish with tricky Rook, Knight and Pawns endgame with both players low on time. Chris deployed his Knight expertly but Sue defended well and played more accurately in the end to seal the win for Highcliffe. A very enjoyable evening of Chess. Thanks to Southbourne for hosting, and great to see so many juniors on a Friday evening.

Well played Highcliffe C. Deserved winners in the end although thought the Southbourne players put up a good fight. Good luck in your remaining games.