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Wimborne C v Southbourne C

B&DCL Div 3 Wed 15th May 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne CSouthbourne CAway
1 (B) 1786
Cleland, Nathaniel J
1 - 0
Litchfield, Michael J
2 (W) 1775
Jackson, Michael
0 - 1
Austin, Peter
3 (B) 1758
Hillman, Graham
½ - ½
Carrasco Martin, Isaac
4 (W) 1725
Bassinder, John
½ - ½
Foley, Chris
Total70442 - 2Total6073

Last update Martin J Simons Thu 16th May 2024 06:49. Reported by Martin J Simons Thu 16th May 2024 06:49. Verified By Graham Hillman Thu 16th May 2024 15:03


Wimborne C had already won the division whilst Southbourne C needed a draw to avoid relegation and a 2½ - 1½ defeat would mean a play-off match with Highcliffe C as both teams would then have the same match points and game difference.

Early on Graham H had won a pawn on move 6 on board 3 with a good position whilst Mike J had sacrificed a knight for 3 pawns on board 2 with interesting play. At the half way stage, Nathaniel had been playing well on board 1, cleverly sacrificed his rook for a knight on f3 with an irresistible attack, which Miichael could only repel by sacrificing back but the endgame a pawn down with an open king position looked bleak for Michael and he could not hold despite valiant attempts. 1 - 0 to Wimborne.

On board 3, Graham swapped off into a bishop endgame a pawn up but his bishop had become bad and the extra pawn could not be converted so a draw was agreed, More or less at the same time on board 2, Peter found a sharp attacking plan on the kingside which won at least a pawn and he soon won.

With the overall score now level at 1½ - 1½ it looked as though Wimborne C would win the match as, on board 4, where both players had been playing well, John, had an opportunity at the end where he could be the exchange up in a R v B endgame but a miscalculation meant the endgame was an equal R + P endgame and a draw was agreed.

An entertaining match. Thank you to the Wimborne C players for their kind hospitality and many congratulations for winning the Division 3 title, remaining undefeated all season.

These end of season matches can be a bit lacklustre . Southbourne need a draw to avoid a play off . We had 2 x C team players who for various reason had been indisposed for most of the Season , but were able to play on this instance , but they were not " match fit " and ultimately it showed
Nathaniel' games are nearly always entertaining and it wasnt long before he'd countered what can be an incendiary Opening - The Blackmar-Diemar Gambit and transposed it to a Caro Khan where he got on with opening up his opponents Kings position threatening Mate or a material end game advantage . My game was odd as I nicked a Pawn early doors with with b4 pawn move dislodging my opponents kt on c3 , but then stupidly allowed an Octopus Kt to get onto e5 - John Bassinders game looked like he would easily win but effectively he blundered right at the end of it thus giving Southbourne a deserved draw and them avoiding a play off scenario - well played Southbourne C and of course Wimborne C kept a clean sheet all season - so well done chaps on being Div C Winners