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Southbourne D v Poole D

B&DCL Div 4 Fri 12th Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeSouthbourne DPoole DAway
1 (B) 1562
Sandy, Paul
1 - 0
Reghif, Tarik
2 (W) 1550
Wang, Jason
0 - 1
Joyce, Tim
3 (B) 1481
Lane, Chris D
0 - 1
Panchenko, Oleksii
4 (W) 1477
Dixon, Ken
½ - ½
Rutter, Mike
Total60701½ - 2½Total6614

Last update Tarik Reghif Fri 12th Apr 2024 22:57. Reported by Tarik Reghif Fri 12th Apr 2024 22:57. Verified By John Harris Fri 12th Apr 2024 23:36


Chris finished first. He offered Oleksii a draw and promptly lost a pawn. Oleksii then managed to create a passed pawn and when Chris ran out of safe moves, he resigned as he was going to lose pawns and subsequently the game.
Ken finished 2nd. The final position looked pretty even.
Paul was the 3rd to finish after Tarik's flag fell. Paul felt that he had a small edge.
Jason's game was over 70 moves and he finished last. His first problem was 2 connected passed pawns thundering down the centre of the board. at this stage he was a rook up against a knight. However he lost the rook to a newly queened rook in the fight to get rid of the central pawns. Jason was then left with pawns on both wings, but Tim mopped up one pawn and then came across to get the others. Jason fought valiantly but eventually resigned when Tim queened a second pawn.