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Battersea v Wallington C

Dave Luckin Trophy Tue 27th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomeBatterseaWallington CAway
1 (B) 1700 ()
Alonso, Joaquin
1 - 0
Jones, David
1880 (1846)
2 (W) 1654 (1742)
Riggs, Samuel
1 - 0
Ashworth, Stephen
1702 (1661)
3 (B) 1556 (1568)
Morales, Joel R
1 - 0
Davies, Robert
1648 (1616)
4 (W) 1157 (1327)
Boozorginia, Zoya
½ - ½
Ram, Aarav
1350 (1258)
Adjustment0 - 1
Penalty1 - 0
Total60672½ - 1½Total6580

Last update Martin Stewart Sun 17th Mar 2024 08:38. Reported by Martin Stewart Sun 17th Mar 2024 08:29. Verified By


Battersea board 1- Joaquin Alonso was not in the name list, sorry

Joaquin Alonso was not on the Battersea Player List at the time of the Match. This is a breach of CDCL Player Eligibility Rules. To qualify to play in CDCL Matches a Player must be on the CDCL Database before the Match is played.

Battersea forfeit the game point won on Board 1, which is awarded to Wallington C instead. The result of the game will however be submitted as is, with the win going to Joaquin.

Martin Stewart
CDCL Tournament Controller.