Stockton Heath Juniors KS v Northwich KS

Kalmar Shield Mon 4th Mar 2024   Verify
BoardHomeStockton Heath Juniors KSNorthwich KSAway
1 (B) 1271 (1858)
Boyall, Hannah
1 - 0
Flynn, Anthony
1550 (1446)
2 (W) 1011 (1429)
Ducker, Harry
½ - ½
So, Ingmar
1457 (1468)
3 (B) 1121 (1481)
Elwin, Isaac
0 - 1
Sullivan, Jake
1207 (1245)
4 (W) 1056 (1463)
Gardiner-Johnson, Alfie
1 - 0
Valleri, Vishnu
1000 ()
5 (B) 0989 (923)
Ducker, Oliver
0 - 1
Caustin, Thaddius
1100 (1047)
Total54482½ - 2½Total6314

Last update Damian McCarthy Mon 4th Mar 2024 22:05. Reported by Damian McCarthy Mon 4th Mar 2024 22:05. Verified By Peter Hamill-Stewart Tue 5th Mar 2024 13:10


dmccarthy's picture

Dear Sean,

I think we may need your help with a ruling here please to decide which team goes through to the final. If the LMS estimated grades are used Stockton Heath Juniors would go through. But if those players have to be counted as 1400 then Northwich would progress.

The rules on the WDCL site state "In the event of a drawn match the team with the lowest grade wins"

The grades for the Stockton Heath players were estimated be myself as none of them have a full ecf longplay rating yet. (Hannah, Issac & Alfie having only played one game in the match against Culcheth, and Harry and Ollie Ducker have never played longplay chess prior to this evening.)
They have all however played a fair amount of Rapidplay chess so the grades entered are their established rapidplay grades which they have all played a few dozen games of in junior events etc.

Northwich's team is made up of a mixture of graded players (Anthony Flynn, Ingmar So & Anthony Sullivan) and estimated ratings (Vishnu Valleri & Thaddius Caustin) .

As I see it, if we are sticking with the estimated ratings as entered into LMS Stockton Heath would progress as the lower rated side:

However If we are not to use estimated grades and instead take those players to have the default grade of 1400 I believe the ratings would be as below
*denotes estimated grade

1.Hannah Boyall 1400* 1-0 Anthony Flynn 1517
2.Harry Ducker 1400* 0.5 - 0.5 Ingmar So 1457
3.Isaac Elwin 1400* 0-1 Jake Sullivan 1207
4.Alfie Gardiner Johnson 1400* 1-0 Vishnu Valleri 1400*
5.Oliver Ducker 1400* 0-1 Thaddius Caustin 1400*
Totals 7000 - 6981 (Which would put Northwich through)

Thanks to Northwich for giving our young players an opportunity to play league chess, the match was closely contested and played in a great spirit. I can't remember the last WDCL fixture that featured a total of 9 junior players which hopefully bodes well for the future!

Hi All,

I've reviewed the rules and the amendments made in the AGM and matched up the gradings for all the players on both teams.

The gradings as listed on the result page stand. Therefore Stockton Heath are the winners.

The reasons for this are as follows:-

The rules for cups state that the grade as at September are to be used for players in regard of cup matches for the whole season. (this is independent of the rules for normal League games).

In the case of estimated grades, the live rating should be used once a person has played a few games. (I think a P suffixed rating can be ignored as you seem to start with an 1800 grade, this is quite unrealistic)

In this case many of the grades are largely based on Rapidplay performance, and the ratings displayed in the result sheet are correct on that basis.

On a final note, Please be aware that technically in the Final, only players who have played for the club in that season are eligible to play in the final, so no new players may be brought in to play.

Thank you all for your patience.


Sean Murphy

WDCL League Manger