Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Elliott CM Macneil (45922) Macneil, Elliott CM (315385L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Elliott CM Macneil Macneil, Elliott CM Elliott CM Macneil
Sex M M U
DOB 1998-12-16 1998-12-16 1970-01-01
Club Imperial College London Imperial College London
Grading Code 315385L 315385L 315385L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Imperial College 1 V King's College KGA white Zhou, Alex D 134833
Imperial College 1 V Wimbledon 1 white Boitier, Alex W 157037
Imperial College 1 V Kings Head 1W white O'Shaughnessy, Conor L 161217
Imperial College 1 V Hammersmith Firsts white Hill, Alistair L 161306
Imperial College 1 V Battersea 1 white Farahmandpour, Ehsan D 163762
Imperial College 1 V Battersea 2 white Lundback, Anders W 163767
Imperial College 1 V University College London Bishops white Mize, Dylan L 167001
Imperial College London 1 V Richmond & Twickenham 1 white Kilpatrick, Callum L 210716
Imperial College London 1 V Wood Green 1 white Emms, John M L 217592
Imperial College London 1 V Mushrooms 1 white Sullivan, Peter J L 223781
Lewisham 2 V Imperial College 1 black Allen, John P L 136775