Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John Abbot (51142) Abbott, John (344215K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John Abbot Abbott, John John Abbott
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1970-07-25 1970-07-25
Club Hammersmith Hammersmith
Grading Code 344215K 344215K 344215K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Hammersmith EC V Mushrooms West EC white Sullivan, Peter J L 233263
Hammersmith EC V West London EC white Gasanov, Eldar L 235354
Hammersmith EC V Football Radar EC white Stevenson, James AB L 256439
Hammersmith EC V Streatham EC white Tiruchirapalli, Venkataramanan L 258818
Hammersmith EC V The Hung Pawns EC white Sarfas, Robin L 280592
Hammersmith Hedger V Hammersmith W Minor black Groves-Kirkby, Nicholas L 136572
Metropolitan Gnomes V Hammersmith W Minor black Kelly, Ronan L 157633
Imperial College 1 V Hammersmith Firsts black Kousouris, Georgios L 161312
Lewisham 3 V Hammersmith Thirds black Alvares, Owen L 167721
Lewisham 3 V Hammersmith Thirds black Helsby, David C D 175361
Metropolitan 3 V Hammersmith Seconds black Hamilton, Ray P L 182305
Greater London 2 V Hammersmith Central black Baisakalov, Sanzhar L 185557
Hammersmith 2 V Hammersmith 3 black Saunders, Michael K L 200590
Streatham EC V Hammersmith EC black Makepeace, Philip J L 205460
Battersea 1 V Hammersmith 1 black McRae-Taylor, Adam J D 205470
Grumpy Old Gits EC V Hammersmith EC black Sargent, John R L 211901
Football Radar EC V Hammersmith EC black Stevenson, James AB D 226329
Battersea 3 V Hammersmith 5 black Drennan, William B D 242858
West London EC V Hammersmith EC black Gasanov, Eldar L 247029
Cavendish 3 V Hammersmith 3 black Barlow, Bertrand A D 252360
The Hung Pawns EC V Hammersmith EC black Sarfas, Robin L 263533
Mushrooms West EC V Hammersmith EC black Sullivan, Peter J L 272192