Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Matthew Staniforth (77837) Staniforth, Matthew (285763H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Matthew Staniforth Staniforth, Matthew Matthew Staniforth
Sex M M M
DOB 1994-07-11 1994-07-11 1970-01-01
Club Southampton University Southampton University
Grading Code 285763H 285763H 285763H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Southampton University A V Hamble A white Fowler, David W L 336382
Southampton University A V Southampton A white McLeod, Fraser N L 336448
Southampton University A V Ringwood A white Clancy, Martin J W 336495
Southampton University A V Southampton B white Moore, Gillian A W 337227
Southampton University A V Salisbury A white Manning, Andy I W 337247
Southampton University A V Ringwood A white Westrap, Christian F L 337257
Southampton University A V Hamble A white Fowler, David W W 337287
Chandlers Ford A V Basingstoke A white Chilton, James I W 424495
Chandlers Ford A V Southampton University A white Goodlad, Daniel L 447423
Fareham A V Chandlers Ford A black Gregory, Keith DF D 455082