Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of James Facey (40953) Facey, James (317327G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name James Facey Facey, James James Facey
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1991-01-30 1970-01-01
Club Horfield & Redland Horfield & Redland Horfield & Redland
Grading Code 317327G 317327G 317327G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Horfield & Redland A V Downend & Fishponds A white Saunders, Aron L 125578
Horfield & Redland C V Horfield & Redland B white Levene, Mike D 133513
Horfield & Redland A V Bath A white Whaley, Roy W 138284
Horfield & Redland A V Clevedon A white Spiller, Paul L 156709
Horfield & Redland A V Bristol University A white Shepherd, Tom W 158514
Horfield & Redland B V Thornbury white Griffiths, Hayden W 209718
Horfield & Redland B V Downend & Fishponds C white Daly, Grant W 215000
Horfield & Redland C V North Bristol B white Millener, Richard P L 234090
Horfield & Redland C V Hanham Folk Centre A white White, E. Michael D 236220
Horfield & Redland C V Bristol & Clifton B white Davis, Colin J L 250833
Horfield & Redland B V Bristol Cabot white Newman, Stuart W 255501
Horfield & Redland B V North Bristol A white Bingham, James D 267922
Horfield & Redland C V Downend & Fishponds D white Wilcox, Nigel D 293120
Horfield & Redland C V North Bristol white Dontu, Vijay W 315659
Horfield & Redland C V Hanham Folk Centre A white Loog, Tiiu D 325963
Horfield & Redland C V Keynsham white Kilmister, John W W 362224
Horfield & Redland C V Bath C white Gore, Bob R D 370855
Horfield & Redland C V Clevedon B white Lintern, Jack D 386646
Horfield & Redland 1 V South Bristol 2 white Neagle, David C D 419784
Horfield & Redland C V Thornbury white Heining, Chris D 447538
Horfield & Redland C V Downend & Fishponds D white Parcell, Daniel W 462691
Bath B V Horfield & Redland B black Walley, A Clive D 124818
Clevedon A V Horfield & Redland A black Chindelevitch, Leonid L 126792
Bristol University A V Horfield & Redland A black Schiefer, Dorian L 129429
North Bristol C V Horfield & Redland C black Saunders, Peter L 131908
Downend & Fishponds B V Horfield & Redland A black White, Martin J D 132588
Downend & Fishponds A V Horfield & Redland A black Saunders, Aron L 152260
Bristol University B V Horfield & Redland B black Skillen, Fergus L 166436
Bristol & Clifton B V Horfield & Redland D black Last, Tom L 172272
Bristol Grendel V Horfield & Redland B black Radford, Ben D 177455
Bristol & Clifton V Horfield & Redland 1 black Dunphy, Simon L 200872
Keynsham A V Horfield & Redland B black McIntyre, Robert L 206187
Downend & Fishponds B V Horfield & Redland A black Frank, Tena L 208081
Bristol Cabot V Horfield & Redland B black Thornhill, Robbie L 220587
North Bristol A V Horfield & Redland B black Stinchcombe, Michael L 230653
South Bristol 2 V Horfield & Redland 1 black Neagle, David C L 233150
Bristol University B V Horfield & Redland B black Newton, Conor L 237430
South Bristol B V Horfield & Redland C black Cullen, Gareth D 254208
South Bristol A V Horfield & Redland B black Coppola, Alessandro L 265000
Keynsham V Horfield & Redland C black Macarthur, Duncan M L 310686
Downend & Fishponds A V Horfield & Redland B black Chaplin, Peter E D 313133
Bath C V Horfield & Redland C black Gore, Bob R L 318808
Clevedon B V Horfield & Redland C black Peters, David D 332065
Downend & Fishponds D V Horfield & Redland C black Walker, Elmira D 346848
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland C black Townsend, Michael L 356935
Hanham Folk Centre A V Horfield & Redland C black Gould, Jonathon L 384441
South Bristol B V Horfield & Redland C black Neagle, David C L 422096
North Bristol A V Horfield & Redland C black LeRoy, Jason L 427518
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland B black Hawkins, Robert Jr L 433590
Bristol & Clifton C V Horfield & Redland C black Freud, Kipp L 440166
Bristol Cabot A V Horfield & Redland C black Picton, James L 455650