Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Stuart Newman (41497) Newman, Stuart (329415J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Stuart Newman Newman, Stuart Stuart Newman
Sex M M M
DOB 1981-04-14 1981-04-14 1981-04-14
Club Bristol Cabot Bristol Cabot Bristol Cabot
Grading Code 329415J 329415J 329415J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bristol Cabot B V Downend & Fishponds C white Ash, Thomas D 133799
Bristol Cabot V Thornbury white Griffiths, Hayden L 230577
Bristol Cabot V Keynsham A white Wilmshurst, Lawrence L 259820
Bristol Cabot A V Clevedon A white Strong, Chris M L 368793
Bristol Cabot A V North Bristol A white Stinchcombe, Michael L 441147
Clevedon C V Bristol Cabot B black Lintern, Jack D 126017
Clevedon C V Bristol Cabot A black Crewe, Brian L 162359
Keynsham A V Bristol Cabot black Hayden, Christopher L L 216103
South Bristol A V Bristol Cabot black Swann, Ed L 235253
Horfield & Redland B V Bristol Cabot black Facey, James L 255501
Horfield & Redland D V Bristol Cabot B black Balasubramaniam, Kanagasabai L 359171
Bristol University C V Bristol Cabot B black Jafarov, Khanlar L 360113
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol Cabot B black Hu, Hector L 387027
Bath D V Bristol Cabot B black Sage, Antony J L 430768
Downend & Fishponds D V Bristol Cabot A black Woodcock, David L 434325