Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Justin Yau (48344) Yau, Justin (175380A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Justin Yau Yau, Justin Justin Yau
Sex M M M
DOB 1988-04-07 1988-04-07 1988-04-07
Club Thornbury Bristol Thornbury Bristol Thornbury Bristol
Grading Code 175380A 175380A 175380A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Thornbury Bristol A V Bristol Grendel B white Paton, John G D 129131
Thornbury Bristol A V Bristol University B white Astier, Julien W 163494
Thornbury V Bristol University B white Jina, Asha D 226072
Thornbury V Horfield & Redland B white Chidwick, Judd W 246987
Thornbury V Downend & Fishponds C white Wilcox, Nigel L 256162
Thornbury V Bristol Cabot white Burnett, Philip W 268900
Thornbury V South Bristol A white Roberts, Shane L 304416
Thornbury V Downend & Fishponds C white Daly, Grant L 310747
Thornbury V Bristol & Clifton B white Cook, William W 339704
Thornbury V Bristol & Clifton C white Jones, Mark G D 422376
Thornbury V South Bristol B white Taylor, Rod W 435124
Thornbury V Downend & Fishponds D white Tang, Carolus W 457214
Downend & Fishponds C V Thornbury Bristol A black Ash, Thomas L 136933
South Bristol A V Thornbury black Cullen, Gareth L 242809
North Bristol A V Thornbury black Fearnhead, Joseph T L 252005
Bristol Cabot A V Thornbury black Marston, Alastair JD L 295262
Bath B V Thornbury black Raynes, Barry D 343030
South Bristol A V Thornbury black Edwards, Chris J D 357805
Downend & Fishponds C V Thornbury black Ash, Thomas D 362753
Bristol & Clifton B V Thornbury black Plotnikov, Dmytro L 389138
Bristol Cabot A V Thornbury black Roberts, Mike L 428052
Bath C V Thornbury black Gore, Bob R D 440823
North Bristol A V Thornbury black Millener, Richard P L 463686