Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Sam Inman (56502) Inman, Sam (288410A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Sam Inman Inman, Sam Sam Inman
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1996-05-17 1970-01-01
Club South Bristol Bury St Edmunds South Bristol
Grading Code 288410A 288410A 288410A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
South Bristol A (Woodentops) V Yate & Sodbury A white Gardner, Jeremy D 163248
South Bristol A (Woodentops) V North Bristol A white Millener, Richard P W 166958
South Bristol B (Smurfs) V Downend & Fishponds C white Daly, Grant L 172789
South Bristol Smurfs V Yate & Sodbury white Gardner, Jeremy L 178259
South Bristol 2 V Downend & Fishponds Knights white Wilcox, Nigel L 202040
North Bristol B V South Bristol B (Smurfs) black Woolgar, Steven G L 159112
Downend & Fishponds Knights V South Bristol Smurfs black Batouzian, Mark L 166851
Bristol Cabot V South Bristol A black Thornhill, Robbie L 198959
Thornbury V South Bristol A black Minshall, Michael W L 206261
Downend & Fishponds D V South Bristol B black Williams, Dave J L 208071
Bristol University B V South Bristol A black Astier, Julien L 218484