Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Callum Brewer (57235) Brewer, Callum D (283327L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Callum Brewer Brewer, Callum D Callum Brewer
Sex U M U
DOB 1970-01-01 2000-12-05 1970-01-01
Club Horfield & Redland 4NCL Sussex Martlets Horfield & Redland
Grading Code 283327L 283327L 283327L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Horfield & Redland A V Downend & Fishponds B white Garcia, Oscar D 164232
Horfield & Redland A V Bristol Grendel A white Humphreys, Jerry W 167493
Horfield & Redland V Downend & Fishponds white Garcia, Oscar D 175230
Horfield & Redland A V Bristol University A white Clarke, James L 202847
Horfield & Redland A V Bristol & Clifton A white Beaumont, Chris R D 212554
Horfield & Redland A V Downend & Fishponds A white Meek, Stephen J W 219665
Horfield & Redland A V Bath A white Buckley, David E W 266210
Bath A V Horfield & Redland A black Phillips, Roy L 171090
Bath V Horfield & Redland black Buckley, David E L 199901
Downend & Fishponds B V Horfield & Redland A black Ashworth, Michael J D 208076
Bristol Grendel A V Horfield & Redland A black Gilbert, Alistair A D 218520
Clevedon A V Horfield & Redland A black Walker, Max D 233725
Bristol University A V Horfield & Redland A black Clarke, James L 240502
Bristol & Clifton A V Horfield & Redland A black Cobb, James E D 248279
Downend & Fishponds V Horfield & Redland black Garcia, Oscar L 258458
Downend & Fishponds A V Horfield & Redland A black Thompson, Robert L 262833
Bath A V Horfield & Redland A black Buckley, David E L 264736