Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Liam L J Bailey (58449) Bailey, Liam L J (346818F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Liam L J Bailey Bailey, Liam L J Liam L J Bailey
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 2005-09-11 1970-01-01
Club South Bristol South Bristol South Bristol
Grading Code 346818F 346818F 346818F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
South Bristol Clangers V Downend & Fishponds Bishops white Passmore, Michael J L 166870
South Bristol B (Smurfs) V Downend & Fishponds C white Smith, Leon W 172791
South Bristol B V Bath B white Farina, Mauro W 199141
South Bristol 2 V Downend & Fishponds Knights white Smith, Leon W 202042
South Bristol B V Hanham Folk Centre A white Davies, Barry R D 213629
South Bristol B V Clevedon B white Lintern, Jack L 223803
South Bristol A V Bristol University B white Morlock, Daniel L 251911
South Bristol A (Woodentops) V South Bristol B (Smurfs) black Campbell, David J L 170323
Bristol & Clifton B V South Bristol B black Lewis, Matt JR D 202844
North Bristol A V South Bristol A black Golding, Tony L 246996