Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Oleksii Novakov (5937) Novakov, Oleksii (307557G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Oleksii Novakov Novakov, Oleksii Oleksii Novakov
Sex M M M
DOB 1984-03-10 1984-03-10 1984-03-10
Club Bristol & Clifton Bristol Cabot Bristol & Clifton
Grading Code 307557G 307557G 307557G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bristol Cabot B V North Bristol C white Redmill, David W 124725
Bristol Cabot A V Thornbury Bristol A white Minshall, Michael W W 126396
Bristol Cabot B V Downend & Fishponds D white Hennefeld, James L 140339
Bristol Cabot B V Bristol University C white Roynon, Stan L 154274
Bristol Cabot A V Bristol University C white Skalski, Sebastian L 158865
Bristol Cabot A V Horfield & Redland C white White, Scott W 166064
Bristol Cabot V Horfield & Redland 2 white Pollett, Nigel D 201339
Bristol Cabot V Bristol University B white Zurba, Jonas L 210375
Bristol Cabot V Horfield & Redland B white Pollett, Nigel W 220586
Bristol Cabot V Thornbury white Townsend, Michael W 230574
Bristol Cabot V Keynsham A white Whelan, Alex D 259819
Bristol Cabot B V Horfield & Redland D white Learoyd, Ben E D 293336
Bristol Cabot A V Thornbury white Nichols, James W D 295263
Bristol Cabot A V Bristol Grendel A white Rosenberg, Tom W 310095
Bristol Cabot A V Bath B white Raynes, Barry W 326573
Bristol Cabot A V Downend & Fishponds C white Hennefeld, James L 357436
Bristol Cabot A V Clevedon A white Wilson, Matthew DJ L 368791
Bristol Cabot A V Bristol & Clifton B white Dunphy, Simon D 382903
Bristol Cabot A V South Bristol A white Cullen, Gareth D 389553
Bristol Cabot V Clevedon white Crewe, Brian W 420090
Bristol Cabot B V Bristol & Clifton F white Farkas, Miklos L 424987
Bristol Cabot A V Thornbury white Nichols, James W W 428051
Bristol Cabot B V Portishead B white Crowe, Lana W 437744
Bristol Cabot A V North Bristol A white Millener, Richard P L 441143
Bristol Cabot B V Bristol University C white Ridley, Max W 451959
Bristol Cabot A V Horfield & Redland C white Marks, Peter L 455649
Bristol Cabot A V South Bristol B white White, Jon D 463827
Bristol University B V Bristol Cabot black Astier, Julien L 249079
Bristol & Clifton B V Bristol Cabot A black Pearce, Roger W L 330296
Bristol University C V Bristol Cabot B black Whitten, Fred L 360111
Bristol Grendel A V Bristol Cabot A black Johnson, Richard J L 363477
Bristol & Clifton Juniors V Bristol Cabot B black Bleeg, Elliott D 370743
Horfield & Redland E V Bristol Cabot B black White, Scott D 380844
Bristol & Clifton C V Bristol Cabot A black Conway, Alex L 447481